As a not for profit organisation, the Institute allows Organisations, Bodies and individuals to sponsor us and/or the work of the Research & Development Centre (RDC) in the following ways;

Principal Sponsor

A suitable Principal Sponsor may have a physical or representative presence on the Executive Committee and contribute to brand licensing/approval decisions and the direction and criteria for IIAI Research Reports.

Research Sponsor

A Research Sponsor selects a specific subject area for research and may also specify the nature of certain elements of a research team, have an actual or representative presence on a research team and collaboratively determine general and final release criteria.

Research Partner

Where the Institute or RDC has determined the subject of a specific IIAI Research Report, a Research Partner may provide funding and/or access to personnel or environments that are a focus of, or relevant to, the research in question.

Venue, Ceremony or Award Sponsor

These sponsors typically provide facilities for activities such as training or the IIAI Executive Committee Fellowship Lectures.

Educational Sponsor

Educational Sponsors can provide assistance in a number of ways to IIAI Members and Research Assistants.

Anonymous Philanthropic

Facilities Sponsor

This relates to Sponsors who make certain environments, equipment, premises or buildings available for IIAI Research activities.

Corporate Members

Packages can be determined according to individual needs but Corporate Members typically enjoy…

  • the ability to determine their own annual membership fees or contributions,
  • identification as IIAI Corporate Members,
  • reduced IIAI Membership rates for employees,
  • reduced rates for in-house delivery of IIAI Approved Course titles,
  • assistance with the development of internal training courses or packages,
  • reduced rate or free access to the IIAI help desk,
  • reduced rate or free access to learning areas/reading rooms and on-line courses for employees,
  • discounted rates (sometimes free) for specific research,
  • discounted rates (sometimes free) for the bulk analysis of accident data.


Mission Statement

The Institute is committed to the furtherance of Industrial Accident Investigation as a unique and distinct discipline supporting the International Risk Management process.

Become a Member

Apply online for membership.

Contact Us

T: +44 (0)1726 832695